Fungal Transcription Factor Database

Detalied information of TF Family

Detailed information of TF Family

TF family name

Zinc finger, GRF-type


Zinc finger, GRF-type family contains proteins with presumed zinc binding domain that is found in a variety of DNA-binding proteins. It is named GRF after three conserved residues in the centre of the alignment of the domain.


There is no defined InterPro Term for selection creteria.

# of TFs

5 TFs in 4 Fusarium species


0 reference(s) found in this TF family

Subcellular localization

PSORT2: 0 (0.00 %)
pTARGET: 0 (0.00 %)
List for Subcellular information

TF Family map

TF Family Map of Zinc finger, GRF-type