Fungal Transcription Factor Database

Detalied information of TF Family

Detailed information of TF Family

TF family name



This family consists of several eukaryotic SGT1 proteins. Human SGT1 or hSGT1 is known to suppress GCR2 and is highly expressed in the muscle and heart. The function of this family is unknown although it has been speculated that SGT1 may be functionally analogous to the Gcr2p protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is known to be a regulatory factor of glycolytic gene expression.


There is no defined InterPro Term for selection creteria.

# of TFs

4 TFs in 4 Fusarium species


1 reference(s) found in this TF family

Subcellular localization

PSORT2: 0 (0.00 %)
pTARGET: 0 (0.00 %)
List for Subcellular information

TF Family map

TF Family Map of SGT1