Fungal Transcription Factor Database

Detalied information of TF Family

Detailed information of TF Family

TF family name

Centromere protein B, DNA-binding region


The centromere is a region of the chromosome essential for its segregation during cell division, and has a special chromatin structure involving ес-satellite DNA repeats and their associated proteins. Among the centromere-specific DNA-binding proteins, CENP-B specifically binds a 17 bp sequence(the CENP-B box), which appears in every other ес-satellite repeat. The CENP-B box sequence positions nucleosomes adjacently, and may therefore function as a cis-element for centromere-specific nucleosome assembly.


There is no defined InterPro Term for selection creteria.

# of TFs

16 TFs in 4 Fusarium species


0 reference(s) found in this TF family

Subcellular localization

PSORT2: 0 (0.00 %)
pTARGET: 0 (0.00 %)
List for Subcellular information

TF Family map

TF Family Map of Centromere protein B, DNA-binding region